Our Mission
In our culture we have an extreme relationship with food, our expectations and behaviors bouncing between two ends of the eating spectrum – erring on either denial or gluttony.
At Weightboss for Life our mission is to create a mindset shift from Living to eat to Eating to live. Taking the power back from food and focussing on living the life we desire. Having the power to be in control of your mind, body and emotions.
We know that enabling and supporting change in a personal and connected way enables and sustains change for life.

Kandice Knox
Founder Of Weightboss for Life
Who is the women behind Weightboss for Life? I am a dog lover, a mom to two amazing young adults, a friend, a wife, and a women living a full rich life. I am a hard girl to knock down. I have experienced great joy and great sower in my life. Professionally, I am an Entrepreneur, a Registered Nurse, a Clinical Hypnotherapist and a Health Coach.
Weightboss for Life was born because I wanted a better option. I was tired of the constant battle with myself to keep my weight off, in-spite of all I knew. I know lots, you could say I knew better, but that did not translate into doing better… I had to finally start to ask why. But the real push to master my health was that I wanted to give my kids the skills to not have a life long battle with themselves around their relationship with food and their weight. I had been carrying around a 20 to 30 pound weight gain since they were born but the bigger issue was their father, Chuck. He was in a critical battle with his health related his weight and his relationship with food. We were a family stuck in a constant cycle of diet, depravation and feeling less than our best self. Their dad struggled and that struggle ultimately cost him his life. He could just not tame the monster within and food was his drug of choice.
Chuck passed way in 2013 at the age of 55 leaving many unanswered questions as to why change was not within his reach. We were all devastated. My children really started to question what their fate with food, weight and health would look like. They were worried about ending up just like their Dad and were beginning to show signs of an unhealthy relationship with themselves and food. The talk in our home was about food, weight, binging, deprivation, grief and fear regarding our personal efficacy around food and body weight. It was painful for all of us.
I did not want this for myself or for them, the pattern had to change, there had to be a better way. I wanted our family to have a peaceful relationship with food, weight and health. We had to change the patterns in our family. We had to change our thinking.
What I have learned in my 30 years of nursing is that the mechanics of what to do is not the hard part. We can all follow a “diet”… but we often don’t, even though we know better, even though we may really want better, even though we know it is the right choice for us… we just cannot consistently follow through with the perceptive “diet” plan. The other truth is there is so many “diet” plans, which one is right for you and who do you believe?? There is so much noise around nutrition that it is easy to feel confused. Who is telling the truth about the human “diet”?
I started to ask questions… What is in the way of habit change? What drives behavior, what motivates us, why do we do things that feel good in the moment but feel terrible in the long run? Why was I doing this to myself? Why could Chuck not change his behavior even when it threatened his health and life?
The only way to know what is in the way, what stalls change, what triggers sabotages, what motivates is to look at our thoughts. To look within before we ever look at the “diet”. I became a thinking disruptor.
To change your relationship with yourself and food is to look at habits and patterns and challenge the thoughts that keep us bound to actions that are harming us and preventing us from reaching our goals. Managing our thoughts to impact our relationship with food, our weight and our health is a Meta life skill. The skills of weight release are life skills, learning how to manage your thoughts to create the results you want.
I love that my children, Ben and Maggie, can look within and be their own thinking disruptor. We all have an empowered relationship with our bodies and with food. We eat to live and do not live to eat. We are more connected. We changed the patterns of behavior in our home and that is the most glorious legacy we can offer their dad, Chuck.
It is my mission to help you have a peaceful relationship with yourself and food and to live in the body that honors your health and vitality.
“Your presentation on “Self Sabotage” was a perfect message that resonated with all of us!
You are an excellent speaker, with a clear message and in-depth understanding which is easy to see in your presentation.
We loved your honesty when you explained that in order to make a change you have to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. It was also great to be reminded to think of what we are doing for our present selves vs. our future selves.
Hearing you talk about how we self-sabotage and challenge ourselves was very enlightening.
You nailed it!!!!!!”
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Contact us below to find out how you can become a Weightboss.

Kandice Knox
(403) 703-6081
Overcome your limiting beliefs that affect your weight release today!