What Prevents You from
Losing Weight and Keeping It Off?
January 29, 2024 @ 7:00pm MST
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What you’ll learn in this free masterclass:

The 3 keys to long term weight loss success.
If you are like most people, you’ve probably been tracking calories and servings, macros and micros and are left wondering why your efforts have been unsuccessful. But weight loss is more than what you eat.

The two reasons you overeat.
It is not because you lack willpower. Overeating is a combination or hormones, neurotransmitters and emotions. It is wired into your biology to seek pleasure and avoid pain and this modern world has hijacked that biology.

The ways we sabotage weight release.
To find success in weight loss you must stop addressing the symptom, fat, and look deeper at your Beliefs, Thoughts, Feelings, and Habits.

Understand how to break free from the hypnotic message to eat, eat, eat!
When food is a friend, a therapist, and a comfort it leads to an unhealthy relationship with your emotions, weight, and health.
About me

Kandice is a thinking disruptor. She is both a Registered Nurse and a Registered Clinical Hypnotherapist, and has extensive certifications in Integrative Nutrition, Psychology of Emotional Eating, and Conversational Intelligence Coaching. She is passionate about providing education and transformation for those who are wanting to make changes to their health and weight. Kandice can speak from her own personal experience with weight and from watching her late husband be unable to white knuckle his way through dieting to change the trajectory of his health. He passed away in 2013 at the young age of 56. He left many unanswered questions as to why change was not within his reach. To change the legacy of his life and her children’s lives, Kandice is on a mission to shift peoples limiting beliefs, help them create visions for their future and their future and reach their health and weight loss goals. Kandice believes we should all feel powerful to change our health and bring vitality back to our life.
What people are saying about Kandice and her impact
Kandice’s teaching has opened my eyes to information that has changed my life forever and will allow me to live a much longer healthier life. EVERYONE should understand what happens inside of your OWN body. She helped change so many of the things I heard growing up, understanding how they were harming my health and impacting my weight. It has changed how I look at food, how I relate to food, what I choose food. Kandice I cannot thank you enough for being an advocate for health which in turn will impact families and lives all over the world!
Kandice helped me to see and believe in myself. I know how my body needs to look and feel so that I am comfortable to show up and play a bigger game. Mindset shifts and reconstructing your beliefs about food and how you handle emotional eating has really changed my perspective and put me in the driver’s seat of body and my life!
My weight loss has been an inner growth journey and I didn’t expect it to influence so many areas of my life. My self-confidence and mindset have impacted how I show up in both my personal life and in my business. Thanks to Kandice Wirch, and the Weightboss for Life program, I am 30 pounds lighter then I was 4 months ago and I am not done yet. I will never diet again! I feel empowered in my relationship with food and myself.